Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict

During the session, your group and a certified facilitator will review together:

  • Your DiSC Style in Conflict: Participants explore their own DiSC styles and learn how to interact in conflict with people with different DiSC styles.

  • Destructive Responses: Participants explore common destructive responses to conflict and why they and others might react this way. This valuable information can also relate to conflict in non-work settings.

  • Changing Your Response: Participants practice stepping back from and reframing their unhealthy thought patterns, allowing them to choose more productive responses to conflict.

  • Existing Data: If learners have existing data from a previous DiSC® training, that data can be used with the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile.

Each participant will receive a 22-page Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Profile, which provides an in-depth, highly personalized report highlighting techniques for improving self-awareness about conflict behaviors.

Conflict is an uncomfortable but unavoidable part of every workplace. Yet conflict—if done right—is integral to organizational success. Today’s struggle leads to tomorrow’s breakthrough. Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict addresses this paradox by empowering your organization to harness the power of conflict. Through combining personalized insights from DiSC® with the proven science of cognitive behavioral theory, participants learn to transform their destructive behaviors into more productive responses, ultimately improving workplace relationships and results.

Managing Conflict is Difficult to Develop in Others

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Do you have a training department that can deliver this content?

  • Facilitator's Guide in MS Word (fully customizable)

  • PowerPoint® with embedded video (fully customizable)

  • Stand-alone video (with and without subtitles)

  • Participant handouts in MS Word (fully customizable)

  • Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Interaction Guides

  • Templates and images

  • Access to online resources and research, including a sample Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile and a sample Everything DiSC Comparison Report

The Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Facilitation Toolkit includes:

Module 1: DiSC in Conflict - Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their own and others’ conflict behaviors. 90 minutes.

Module 2: Destructive Responses - Participants learn how their thoughts can conflict with behaviors and what thoughts and behaviors might be typical for them. 50 minutes.

Module 3: Changing Your Response - Participants learn how to “catch” and reframe their thoughts, which can help them choose more productive behaviors in conflict. 90 minutes.

Optional Module: DiSC Conflict Map - Participants identify both productive and destructive behaviors for each DiSC style.

Optional Module: Comparison Report - Participants learn about the Everything DiSC® Comparison Report and how it can help them improve their relationships with others.